November 10, 2023
This year the first SumoBot competition called RoboRingOut 2024 takes place at my university.
Austria's Sumo-bot competition starts on the 17th of May 2024 and eight teams fight for honor.
- 20 x 20 cm
- Height maximum 30 cm
- 2 kg weight
- self driving
- no weapons
- fully autonom
- line detection
- optimal air flow, due to funnel
- depth detection
- lidar
- aluminium frame
- TPE 83A tracks
- Memes
- 12V LiFePO4 battery
The team:
The idea:
Evolution begins:
February 01, 2024:
Six capacitors for the high currents when switching directions.
Daniels "Agile Scrum Master Chef Engineer Tera Sensor Board" for the four edge sensors.
The blue filter is for ignoring the red marks in the battle arena.
The black tracks got redesigned and reprinted, now they have black silicone inserts.(Hardly visible)
All side views of the battle bot:
May 02, 2024:
A new idea for the sensor array bloom, so I torned the dude once again. The idea is to use three TOF sensors with three Arduino Nano. Also the useless but very awesome funnel got removed. Now the 90° pipe has even an usecase, like to chill the 7805.
May 17, 2024:
We got to the 2nd place and our BattleBot did an excellent job today.